From the first time I was told that Burlingham Rudd 2nd married the widow Mary Whaley, I thought it to be a rather curious arrangement. I think it’s one of those old assumptions where no one actually took a look at the documentation because it didn’t really matter. It didn’t affect anyone’s generational line. Maybe they didn’t have the information that is available today or maybe they just didn’t find it. But I thought it was an interesting story and from time to time I had been contacted by Whaley researchers who also had the same information and never really questioned it. The one document that most of us had was the Inventory of the Estate of Burlingham Rudd of Goose Creek. It’s a very interesting accounting of his material possessions and provides us with a glimmer into what his life was like back in 1836 Charleston, South Carolina.
But there are other documents pertaining to the marriage between Burlingham Rudd of St. James Goose Creek and Mary Whaley, widow of George Powell Whaley, Sr. also of St. James Goose Creek. One of those documents is the Last Will and Testament of Burlingham Rudd signed and sealed with his legal signature on October 30, 1827.
Another document is a Pre-Nuptial Marriage Contract between Burlingham Rudd and Mary Whaley dated December 26, 1826 which is signed by Burlingham Rudd with his legal signature and Mary Whaley makes her mark “X”. Contained in that document is the sworn testimony of the witness G. Crawford who says he and the other witnesses were present and saw “Burlingham Rudd subscribe his name and Mary Whaley subscribe her mark on this act”.
There is another document that was created during their marriage, a Deed of Gift from Mary (Whaley) Rudd to Susannah Whaley, her daughter, dated October 15, 1829 where Burrel Rudd is one of the witnesses and signs his name, Burrel Rudd. Is this her husband, Burlingham Rudd, who now calls himself Burrel? I think it’s very likely.
The point is that the Burlingham Rudd that married the widow Mary Whaley could write his name. This will be a very important clue to his identity ... not who he is, but who he is not.
I have found and transcribed three land surveys, two land grants and one deed of sale in the name of Burlingham Rudd of St. James Goose Creek. You can view them all HERE. It’s not clear if they are all the same person but on the one deed of sale from Burlingham Rudd to William H. Harrall on April 5, 1814, Burlingham Rudd signs his legal signature. This land was acquired by grant on September 6, 1813 after it had been surveyed on March 4, 1808. The survey plat notes that adjacent land was owned by the Late George Lounsdale Rudd. George Lounsdale died around 1804.
Now I’ll take you back to Anson County, North Carolina and give you a brief review of those land deeds of sale that bear the Burlingham Rudd name as seller which requires a signature or mark to seal the deal. I apologize, I still need to transcribe those deed and grant and post them for you to see.
The original April 11, 1749 land grant of 300 acres in Anson Co., NC to Burlingham Rudd 1st changes hands quite frequently, which I must say peaks my curiosity but I’ll wait to discuss that at another time.
Item 1:All of the above transactions involve the same land. In Item 1-3, 40 acres of the original 300 acre grant to Burlingham 1st change ownership and is eventually sold back to Burlingham 1st.
October 12, 1750, 40 acres from Burlingham Rudd to John Red. Burlingham Rudd signs his name.
Item 2:
1750, same tract of land not defined by acres, John Read to James Steward. Burlingham Rudd is a witness and signs his name.
Item 3:
(April 15, 1751, the same tract of land returns to Burlingham Rudd sold by James Steward.)
Item 4:
January 26, 1757, 200 acres of the original grant, Burlingham Rudd, Sr. to Burlingham Rudd, Jr (2nd). Burlingham Rudd Sr. signs his name.
Item 5:
October 20, 1788, one tract of the original grant not defined by acres, Burlingham Rudd, Jr. (2nd) to Lewis Lanier. Burlingham Rudd makes his mark “X”.
Item 6:
March 11, 1792, 100 acres of the original grant, Burlingham Rudd (2nd) to James Lanford. Burlingham Rudd makes his mark “X”.
In Item 4, Burlingham 1st sells 200 of his 300 acres to Burlingham 2nd for 20 pounds sterling. What is very strange to me is that Burlingham 2nd would have been only 15 years and 3 months old at the time and 20 pounds sterling is a lot of money. Where did Burlingham 2nd get so much money at such a young age? Why did his father sell him the land at such a young age? It’s a mystery we’ll have to tackle later.
Item 5, appears to be the same land that Burlingham 2nd bought from his father and he sells it to Lewis Lanier in 1788. This is the deed that includes access to the Rudd graveyards on the property. I think Burlingham 1st has died by this date.
Item 6, appears to be the other 100 acres of the original 300 acre land grant to Burlingham 1st. Apparently Burlingham 2nd inherited the land. I think he must have been living on this tract and he sells it in 1792 in preparation for his move from Anson Co., NC.
In Item 1-4, Burlingham 1st signs his legal signature. Yes! He could write his name. But in Item 5 and 6, Burlingham 2nd makes his mark “X”. He could not write his name.
Item 7:In Item 7, it appears that Burlingham Rudd, perhaps 2nd, authorized a friend to bid for a parcel of land that contained 2 tracts at an auction in 1790. That land in Item 8 is then sold by Burlingham Sr. to Burlingham Jr. for one pound current money of North Carolina in July 1793. Burlingham Jr. then sells that same parcel of 2 tracts in Item 9 in September 1793.
January 18, 1790, 2 tracts of 100 and 150 acres, purchased for Burlingham Rudd from the Sheriff thru his friend, Malachi Watts, at auction with Lewis Lanier as witness.
Item 8:
July 16, 1793, the same 2 tracts of land bought at the auction, from Burlingham Rudd, Sr. to Burlingham Rudd, Jr. Burlingham Rudd signs with his mark “B”.
Item 9:
September 9, 1793, the same 2 tracts of land, Burlingham Rudd to Robert Wallis. Burlingham Rudd makes his mark “X”.
I believe that Burlingham Jr. in these transactions is the one we have come to call Burlingham 3rd because the description of the land list William Vaughn as an adjacent land owner and in Item 9, William Vaughn is a witness on the deed. We know that Burlingham 3rd married Mary Vaughn. This William Vaughn appears to be her relative, perhaps father or brother. But what I’m not certain of is that the Burlingham Sr. in these transactions is the 2nd unless he has switched his legal mark to a “B”. This is really interesting because if this is not Burlingham 2nd with the “B” mark, then Burlingham 2nd is not the father of Burlingham 3rd!
So based on these documents, Burlingham 3rd signs with his mark “X”. He evidently could not write his name. And Burlingham 2nd signs with his mark “X” and perhaps later with his mark “B”. But either way, he could not write his name.
That brings us back to the Burlingham Rudd and Mary Whaley documents. I don’t think it’s likely that Burlingham 2nd went from signing with a mark “X” or even a mark “B” in North Carolina to being able to sign his entire name as a legal signature on documents in South Carolina.
In addition, it doesn’t appear that the Burlingham Rudd in Goose Creek with the 606 areas of land he acquired in 1808 and sold to William H. Harrall on April 5, 1814 is Burlingham 2nd unless he learned to write his name between 1793 and 1814. I think that’s unlikely.
In 1793 Burlingham 2nd is about 52 years old. In 1826 at the time of the pre-nuptial marriage contract with the widow Mary Whaley he would have been 85 years old. He would have been 86 when they married. He would have been 94 when he died. I think when we add to this that the Burlingham Rudd who married Mary Whaley could write his name and the documentation in North Carolina shows us that Burlingham 2nd could not write his name, I have to propose to you that it was not Burlingham Rudd 2nd who married the widow Mary Whaley.
But which Burlingham Rudd did marry the widow Mary Whaley?

You’ll notice that when we look at the Rudd households in Charleston District, SC between 1800 and 1830 there is a Burlingham Rudd in 1800 that records his age as 45 years and older and a Burrel Rudd in 1820 that records his age as from 26 to 45, which I believe at the time meant he was at least 26 but not yet 45 years old. These are clearly not the same man. The one in 1800 might be Burlingham 2nd but that’s not clear either.
A while back I was working with Jean Hollars who is descended from the Eli Rudd (1815-abt 1859) and Maryanne Mizell line who were the parents of Hiram Rudd (1845-1910). Hiram married Anne Caroline Williams (1842-1910) who was the daughter of Reverend West Williams. Jean and I were trying to figure out who was the father of her Eli Rudd when she made what I think is a significant discovery that goes right to the question of which Burlingham Rudd married the widow Mary Whaley. She called to my attention that on the 1820 St. James Goose Creek census there is a woman head of household identified as Mrs. Valey living next door to Burrel Rudd. Look HERE.
Given that this census was transcribed as a copy, you can clearly see that by the way it looks, and given the accents that could have contributed to a “W” sounding like a “V”, and I have looked through the rest of the census and there is no other Valey listed. Also, the number and gender of the children in “Mrs. Valey’s” household match the number of children the widow had with George P. Whaley, Sr.
This is pretty strong circumstantial evidence that this is the Burlingham Rudd that married the widow Mary Whaley.
I believe William Vaughan is Mary's brother. Their parents were Daniel and Mary Vaughan, I think. See 1900 Census http://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db=1900usfedcen&h=79715018&ti=0&indiv=try&gss=pt&ssrc=pt_t23444918_p26222524385_kpidz0q3d26222524385z0q26pgz0q3d32768z0q26pgplz0q3dpid
Hi PJ,
I’m not sure which one you’re interested in; there are 2 Vaughan families that married into the Rudd family. The Daniel Vaughan in that 1900 census is the son of James Vaughan who was the son of Michael Vaughan of VA. In that case, Mary A., wife of Daniel Vaughan, was born about 1841. My guess is the William Vaughan in that 1900 census is her son. She was born too late to be sister to the other William Vaughn in NC.
The other Vaughn family is William Vaughn of Anson Co., NC. If I recall, his pension application said he migrated from Maryland to NC. Mary Vaughn married Burlingham Rudd 3rd and they eventually migrated to TN. She could have been the sister of William Vaughn of NC, but after I examined all the records I could find, I came down on the side of her being his daughter. A few years ago, someone who also has an ancestor marriage to this Vaughan family told me Mary also had a sister who married into their family and confirmed they were daughters of William Vaughn.
1830 Sevier Co., TN
1850 Blount Co., TN
This blog page is my research that sorts out the confusion about which Burlingham Rudd married Mary Whaley, widow, of Charleston, SC. It was not Burlingham Rudd 2nd as some have claimed. Yes, there were several Burlingham Rudd males because each of the 2 sons of Burlingham Rudd 1st, named sons after him and so did the next generation. That has caused a lot of confusion!
1800 Census has 3 Burlingham Rudd males
Which of the Vaughans are you looking for?
First let me say that I am a baby novice family researcher compared to you. Your work is absolutely incredible and such a joy to read.
My 4th great grandparents were Michael Vaughan born abt 1770 and Margaret Nancy Powell born abt 1780.
Their daughter Lucy Vaughan (b abt 1800) married Sylvanus Caswell; my 3rd great paternal grandparents. Their daughter Sabrina Caswell married Allen H. Kelley; my 2nd great grands.
Their other daughter Sarah Nancy Vaughan (b abt 1803) married John Edmund Elbert Jones; my 3rd great maternal grandparents. Their daughter Nancy Sarah Jones (sister to Mary Jones you talk about in your blog) married Bethel A. Jones; my 2nd great grands.
I think Michael's father may have been Richard Vaughan but have not found proof yet.
This was not known to our families until I found the Jones/Kelley connection about a year ago. I wish my parents were alive to share this find.
Thanks sharing and I look forward to hearing back from you.
Patsy Kelly Wood
Well, hello cousin!
Thanks for much for your kind words. Yes, I’ve been looking for Michael Vaughan’s father for a long time, as well as, Mary Jones’ Jones line back beyond SC. I have land surveys for both Michael and Edmund Jones in SC, they lived near each other and it looks like Michael left progeny back in SC when he migrated to the AL/FL area. And did you know Edmund Jones, Nancy Sarah and Mary’s great grandfather, left a Last Will in SC and is documented at serving in the American Revolution, the Saltcatcher Militia?
I have been told by a few others that Michael’s father was named Richard Vaughan, and his wife was Powell, but I never saw her as Margaret Nancy before! That adds another piece to my puzzle. That’s a step forward for me. Thanks!
Yes, I’ve been a family genealogist for about 30 years. I took the AnestryDNA test a few years ago, but I’m just leaning how to use it for genealogy. I know nothing about genetics; it all goes right over my head. But the interesting thing is that it looks like I might have a match with someone who has Jones in their family back in SC, we just have a missing generation or two between us. I’ll be working on that as I learn more about DNA. And I’ve seen the surname Powell show up but I think I also have another Powell too. And I sure have a lot of matches that go back to VA. It’s hard to keep my objectivity when my instincts tell me Michael Vaughan is somewhere in there! One day we will find out who they were and where they came from
And thank you so much for giving to me your ancestry lines. I will put you in my personal database. I have some information on the Vaughan and Jones lines if you would like a copy, I can email or snail mail to you. Just email me a LindaRudd@aol.com and let me know!
It’s a thrill to meet you Patsy!
Linda, I hope this finds you well! This is Edmund Jerome Rudd, son of Russell Shaird Rudd, son of Shaird George Rudd, son of Edmund James Rudd, son of Ellison James Rudd...and you know the rest! We haven't communicated in a while, and I wanted to tell you that I found an article on line from the Walton Historical Society News Bulletin about the descendants of Charles S.V. Jones (grandfather of Mary and Nancy) having a ceremony at Euchee Valley Presbyterian Church to lay a new stone on his grave. It was on April 8th of this year-I wish I had known, as I would have come down for it. The stone lists all of his children, and their dates of birth. Look it up, if you haven't already seen it.
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